Burning Man Donor Ticket 2020
Front of Burning Man 2020 donor ticket
Burning Man - Donor Ticket - Illustrations/Design
Ticket originally created for the 2020 Burning Man event with the theme ‘The Multiverse’. Since the physical event was cancelled this ticket was used as a gift for participants who donated part or whole of their ticket price to the Burning Man Org. I wanted to create the feeling of past, present, and future all happening at once. The eye in the center receives information, or perhaps sends electric energy out into the universe. The eye and electricity can also be seen as the ‘belly-button’ and ‘umbilical cord’ of the silhouette of the man that overlays the design. Keeping with the theme of multiverse, my design was 1 of 4 possible designs you could receive at random. The 4 designs for this year were all created by artists who have created tickets for past events.